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The collection of articles explains how to work with invoices and receipts, including the creation, cancellation, and differentiation between document types, such as invoices, credit notes, and others.
14 articles
Is it possible to personalise invoices?
Can I use FIZ even if I have another invoicing system or subscription?
What is a Invoice?
What is an Invoice-Receipt?
What is a Simplified Invoice?
How to adjust the amount on an Invoice?This article explains how to modify the amount on an invoice.
How to cancel an Invoice?This article explains how to cancel an Invoice or issue a Credit Note to correct errors after the Invoice has been sent to the client.
How to cancel an Invoice-Receipt?
What is a Credit Note?This article explains how to issue a Credit Note to correct errors or to record returns and exchanges of goods.
What is a Debit Note?
How to view documents on the Tax Authority (AT) PortalInformation on how to view documents issued from your NIF/NIPC and those issued to your NIF/NIPC on the Portal.
How to create a Receipt?Information on issuing a Receipt for an already issued Invoice
SAF-T: Automatic synchronization with the ATFIZ Invoicing automatically synchronizes with the Tax Authority (AT), eliminating the need for manual SAF-T file export to e-Fatura.
What is the difference between a Simplified Invoice and a Regular Invoice?