A Receipt is a proof of payment for an already issued Invoice. If you received a payment without issuing an Invoice beforehand, it is faster and more efficient to create an Invoice-Receipt instead.
If you need to issue a Receipt for an existing Invoice, first locate the Invoice in the invoice list (you can use filters such as date, etc.), select the desired Invoice, and mark it as paid, specifying the payment date and method. Once completed, the document will be generated, the Receipt will be issued, and you will be able to download the PDF to send to the client if requested.
Current Limitations in FIZ (to be resolved soon):
Only one Receipt can be issued per Invoice. If you received a single payment for multiple Invoices, you must create a separate Receipt for each.
Only one Receipt can be issued per Invoice, meaning partial payments cannot be recorded with a Receipt. If a client makes a partial payment, we recommend either requesting full payment or issuing a Credit Note to reduce the Invoice amount accordingly and then issuing a new Invoice for the remaining balance.